Product description
The SenSura Mio irrigation set is designed to provide the basic components necessary to perform simple and safe irrigation. The set contains an improved SenSura Mio 1-piece irrigation sleeve and further includes:
1 water bag
1 stoma cone
4 irrigation sleeves
2 closure clips
Irrigation provides freedom for people with a colostomy and can enhance bowel control. The SenSura Mio 1-piece irrigation sleeve further supports security and confidence.
Here are the key features of the skin-friendly 1-piece sleeve:
- Elastic adhesive that provides a secure fit for protection, and a flexible fit during movement
- Has a tapered, long sleeve design, designed to allow output to be directed into the toilet without splashing
- The plastic film strength is improved compared to the previous 1-piece sleeve sold by Coloplast - to help better guide output
- The integrated closure clip on the top of the sleeve is designed to ease closure and secure the sleeve when rolled up
- Once the sleeve is rolled up and fastened, the design allows the user to move around freely.
After irrigation, you can use an ostomy product of your choice. We suggest: SenSura Mio closed pouch, SenSura Mio closed mini pouch (available as a 1-piece flat option), or an Assura stoma cap.
Irrigation products are available by prescription only. Please consult a healthcare professional before starting to use an irrigation solution.
Prior to use, refer to the product ‘Instructions for Use’ for the intended use and relevant safety information.